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  • Consolidated and general cargo delivery from the USA to Russia, Europe, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus.

  • Consolidated and general cargo delivery from Russia, Europe, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus to the USA .

  • Shopping at American stores (AMAZON, eBAY, TARGET, etc.) and door-to-door purchase delivery to your address in Russia, Europe, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

  • Shopping at Chinese stores (TAOBAO, ALIBABA,, etc.) and door-to-door purchase delivery to your address in the USA, Russia, Europe, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Belarus.


  • Shopping at Russsian stores (OZON, etc.) and door-to-door purchase delivery to your address in the USA, Europe, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Belarus.


  • Responsible storage, drop shipping and order fulfillment services in the USA, Russia, Europe, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Belarus.


Full logistic services package from 4PL provider at your company's disposal.

We specialize in regular base cargo transportation from the USA and to the USA. Small- and Medium-sized enterprises, large corporations and individuals are our customers. We seek long-term cooperation with the Customer. We provide assistance in finding partners in the countries of our presence, perform quality control, assist in goods market launch.

Our services are available in the Russian, English and Chinese languages.


Our adress is


341 Raven Cir

Wyoming, DE 19934


Тel.: +1 (929) 322 8840

© 2017 PR.GAMMA

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